Lecture and Film Concert: Emma Kihl, Mattias Olsson, Matti Bye

21 September 2023 

 Lecture with Emma Kihl and Film Concert with Mattias Olsson & Matti Bye

September 21, 2023

18:00 – 20:00


In connection with Martina Hoogland Ivanow's filtered exhibition "With Eyes Sensitive to Green," the artist and Galleri Duerr invite you to the concluding evening in our series of lectures, public discussions, and film concerts.


18:00: Lecture by Emma Kihl on her research work; Adventurous Performances: A Reading of Agneta Enckell's Poems with Isabelle Stengers' Cosmopolitics. Here, with a special focus on the Belgian philosopher Isabelle Stengers, Stengers' cosmopolitan thinking offers approaches to address and work with the problems and diverse voices embedded in every situation.


19:00: Film concert in filtered light. Improvisation by Mattias Olsson & Matti Bye with Gaby Stenberg's (1923-2011) insect mellotron. The mellotron is an early electroacoustic instrument that can be described as an early sampler with pre-recorded tape sequences.