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Photo: Jean Baptiste Béranger

Johnathan Daily Swedish-American , b. 1974
Pink Frost (series Complexity 5), 2018
Oil on canvas
120 x 140 cm
Series: Complexity
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This was a foray into my natural creative impulses that had its beginnings in the mid-’90s. I was working in this style when I moved to Sweden in 2000, and...
This was a foray into my natural creative impulses that had its beginnings in the mid-’90s. I was working in this style when I moved to Sweden in 2000, and finished two Complexity paintings in 2017 and 2018. I began this series by working with repeatable patterns and compositional systems, searching for increased complexity that could still maintain reasonable readability. On its own, I felt that furthering the complexity of these pattern-based works by merely adding more layers wasn’t enough to produce a sufficiently compelling visual phenomenon. As I began overlapping patterns and layers began piling up, these patterns’ structures were given the ability to affect one another, allowing further systems or emergent properties to develop. Predetermined interconnectivity is given creative force by distortional and disruptive elements that are bound to systems’ structures. Chaos from order was my goal here, to create the organic from the mechanical, motion from math. They are meant to reflect the secretive processes that create everything we know – to suggest the beauty that results from the complex interactions of the patterns vibrating through the systems around and within us. Many of these works have been excessively time-consuming to produce, taking months to even years of steady handwork.